Detail Information of hs0000772 [Genome Browser]
1.Basic Information

Name: hs0000772
Species: Homo sapiens
Cell Line: T-ALL
Restriction Enzyme: DpnII

2.Experiment Infromation

Remark: NA
Primer amount: NA
Test repetition: three
Reliability Level: I

3.Locus Information

Locus1 Fragment location Primer sequence Strand
TAL1,+53 kb segment,CTCF 1:47644097-47645470 CGGAGGAAGTGCTGAACC +
Locus2 Fragment location Primer sequence Strand
TAL1,+40 kb segment,CTCF 1:47658440-47659252 TGGAACAGGAAGGAGGAACT -


Patel, B., et al. (2014). "Aberrant TAL1 activation is mediated by an interchromosomal interaction in human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia." Leukemia 28(2): 349-361.   PMID: 23698277

©BIG 2015, Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
NO.1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China.